Friday, September 08, 2006

Ever heard of Fred Phelps??

Fred and his cronies are the folks who travel about, um... "demonstrating" at the funerals of deceased veterans of our little conflict in Iraq. He figures that America is lost and we are all going to hell, I guess, because we don't stone gay folks to death, as is apparently demanded by the bible. ...Or something like that... and so god is mad at us and kills us off whenever he gets a chance.

"Crooks and Liars" has a link to this You Tube video of Ol' Fred stating his position. Check that out first to set the mood and then click over to Falafelsex to enjoy a synoptic and old-time-religion-musical rendition of what may be Fred's perspective on god's wrath.

I can't take any credit for this. I came across the link to the song on my favorite blog Pharyngula. A comment there got me the link to our old buddy Fred. Anyway the video and the song do go well together, though it may take an iron constitution to listen to Fred for 10 minutes and an open minded sense of humor to listen to the song...


Blogger Nick said...

Great to see you blogging! :)

2:12 AM  
Blogger DrC! said...

Hey Nick, well, if 7 or 8 notes in, like, 6 months counts then, yep! I'm blogging! I have all sorts of stuff in my head but no time on my calendar, unfortunately!

3:27 PM  

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